Buying any new car can be a challenge; there are so many options on the market today. And if you are considering moving from a traditional vehicle to a hybrid, there are even more factors to consider. Most everyone knows that hybrids are great for those seeking a more fuel efficient vehicle, and are also touted to be good for the environment. But there are other differences between traditional cars and hybrids, that are good to know, before making your purchase.

Hybrid Car ResearchIn the last couple of years, over 40 models of hybrids entered the U.S. car market; from compacts to sedans, and even SUV’s and hybrid trucks, are now available to the consumer. Many drivers are switching to hybrids to save on gas and money. But what are the real facts, benefits, and drawbacks, to switching to a hybrid?

Up-front Cost

For many potential new car buyers, comparison shopping is key, and cost is usually at the top of the list. It is best to compare the hybrid of your choice, with a comparable traditional vehicle, to truly see if buying a hybrid will ultimately save money. Compare MSRP’s (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) of the hybrid model, and another vehicle of the same type, to see which model is cheaper. You may find that among the same manufacturer, Honda hybrids, vs. Honda’s traditional vehicles, that the hybrid may be a few thousands of dollars more expensive. If the initial cost is not an issue for you, and your concern is more about long-term savings, then the hybrid vehicle may be the best choice.

Fuel Costs

Since hybrids function partially on electricity, most consumers expect to save money on fuel. When you compare the standard vehicle’s estimated miles per gallon (MPG), with a comparable hybrid model’s estimated MPG, you will find that you will usually gain about 10 more miles per gallon, with the hybrid. Hybrids can make up for their more expensive price tag, if you plan to keep the car for a few years. Over the long run, you will save a significant amount of money on fuel.

Environmental Benefits

Many hybrid drivers are consumers who desire to be more green, when it comes to their living and purchases. Most typical hybrids produce only 10% of the amount of emissions that a standard model vehicle produces. Most fully electric-only cars, produce no emissions at all. This hybrid feature is most valuable when in traffic jams or slow traffic. Hybrids will produce much less emissions in congested traffic, than a standard gas engine, when it’s idling.


If you are a family that chooses to switch vehicles every couple of years, then the initial cost of a hybrid may not be worth it for you; but if you are the type of driver who keeps a car for many years, then the up-front cost of a hybrid, will pay for itself in the long run, by saving you a significant amount of money on fuel. You can also feel more positive about leaving a lesser carbon footprint on the planet.